2012 Vinod Khosla, a renowned Silicon Valley investor, claimed that 80 per cent of future doctors...
In the 1950s, Ireland had more psychiatry inpatient beds per head of population than any other...
The Western world has recently realised that we have lost the essential art of doing nothing....
Many good things are happening, or planned to happen at least, for our health services.
Increasing demand for GP out-of-hours services could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, writes...
Dr Christine O'Malley discovers hidden waiting lists in the NHS and concludes that there's no place...
We had a huge reaction to Catherine Reilly’s story and feature on female genital mutilation (FGM)...
Dr Brendan Kelly outlines the provisions due to come into effect for nursing home patients under...
Dr Pat Harrold recounts a cautionary tale of a GP driven to madness and despair by...
Spring is a time of hope and renewal and after the hardship of January for the...
Dr Paul Heslin on the advice he plans to give at an upcoming careers talk at...