There is a strong argument for access programmes that provide us with a more diverse medical...
Our writing is a feature as distinctive as our personality, our voice and our appearance Consider...
While the risk from alternative therapies may seem small, I worry that it will rise along...
Hospital doctors who are ready to be excellent generalists should be allowed to get out there...
When electronic records are widely available here, it will be important that patients still receive serious...
oming to the US has made me reflect on the negative and positive legacies of immigration....
The plight of young doctors does not differ greatly from when the difficult decision was made...
Most of us will continue to be ‘guilty’ of hypocrisy as we spin the plates of...
A solution to the turbulence caused by the NCHD annual changeover needs to be found Like...
The parallels between the AIDS epidemic and the current crisis are stronger than you might think...
The pandemic has given me a new perspective on empathy Doctors often grapple best with danger...
A thoughtful postgraduate training system would recognise the diversity in our talents and not just focus...