The INS Winter Meeting heard a presentation from Dr Eoghan de Barra, Consultant in Infectious...
Halting the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is within reach of the specialty of nephrology....
The INS Winter Meeting heard a presentation on rare kidney stone disease identification, treatment, and...
Dr Aoife Doyle, Lead Pathologist of Cervical Cytology at the National Cervical Screening Laboratory...
In its 50th year of existence, the Irish Nephrology Society (INS) is examining how the Society...
The RITA-Ireland Vasculitis RIV Registry and Biobank has helped to research a biomarker that has been...
A comprehensive health needs assessment for Irish prisons is expected to be published in the near...
The National Traveller Health Action Plan has set a roadmap to address the longstanding health inequalities...
A ballot of NCHD members of the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) has voted in favour of...
NCHDs voted for industrial action in June. The vote was prompted by “unsafe and illegal” working...
The Medical Council’s ethical guide is intended to aid doctors to make good judgements and not...
Earlier engagement with the health economics community is needed when considering the...