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Have you connected with your professional development coordinator lately?

By Marie Cantwell - 01st Mar 2023

Professional development. We know that working in general practice presents a variety of challenges that are unique in comparison to any...

We know that working in general practice presents a variety of challenges that are unique in comparison to any other kind of nursing. Unlike your colleagues in the public sector, as GPNs, you update your skills and knowledge in your own time and at your own expense. In addition, that knowledge must span across the entire life cycle and encompass the entire spectrum of public health issues, disease prevention, health promotion, chronic disease management, acute disorders, pregnancy and breastfeeding, child development, and myriad other areas general practice brings. We also recognise that working in general practice means you lack the diverse multidisciplinary team to collaborate with and management system to regulate and govern practice that exists within the public sector. 

The reality is that some GPNs work in very small practices, in very rural areas, and with minimal support, professional networks, or opportunities for career development. Many also work in practices where demands and expectations can sometimes extend beyond your scope of practice. We know that the role can be demanding, challenging, and in some cases, lonely and isolated. The supportive role of the professional development coordinator (PDC) is designed to bridge many of these gaps in current practice, as well as the one between the public and private settings. We will be updating you regularly as we work with Nursing in General Practice (NiGP) to meet your needs and build a stronger network of GPNs in Ireland.

As PDCs for general practice nursing, we are employed by the HSE to support GPNs at an individual and collective level. The team is available to provide support at all career stages, from induction as a new or transferring GPN, to all levels of enhanced practice, including RNP and ANPs. We provide practical advice and guidance in continuing professional education, assist with development of practice policies, facilitate training, and offer career support and advice. We also develop and maintain training programmes in collaboration with national clinical offices in areas such as chronic disease management, cervical screening, and immunisation. Some of the direct support and resources available includes:

  • New GPN induction;  
  • Service/policy development;  
  • Training needs analysis;  
  • Professional development planning;  
  • Signposting to training and education and facilitation where available;  
  • RNP/ANP candidacy support;  
  • RNP/ANP audit support;  
  • Drugs and therapeutics committees/ prescribing site coordinators;  
  • Information circulation via GPN mailing lists;  
  • Educational meetings and webinars.

The purpose of the PDC role is to ensure that as non-HSE employees, GPNs are supported and represented, and that the service is strategically developed in line with national strategy and policy. We are currently working with all stakeholders at a national level towards the strategic development of general practice nursing, including working towards established career and academic pathways, and the recognition of general practice nursing as its own division of the NMBI speciality register. Online educational content developed in partnership with National Clinical Programme Offices, the Primary Care Strategy Office, Office of the Nursing and Midwifery Services Director (ONMSD), and others includes:  

  • Type 2 diabetes;  
  • Chronic disease management;  
  • Immunisation training;  
  • Make every contact count;  
  • Infection prevention and control;  
  • Cancer nursing in the community. 

We also represent general practice nursing on local and national working groups in a diverse range of areas, such as the National Cancer Screening Service, the Primary Palliative Care Steering Group, and Enhanced Community Care implementation committees. National and international groups on which the PDCs represent GPNs include:  

  • Primary care management teams;  
  • Slaintecare steering group;  
  • ECC integrated care implementation groups x CHO;  
  • National healthy childhood committees: Immunisation, healthy weight for children, active and healthy, breastfeeding;
  • National cancer control programme, community nursing working group;  
  • Cervical check education standards working group;  
  • National clinical programmes in chronic disease management, diabetes, COPD, adult weight management, primary palliative care, immunisations;  
  • International Cervscreen project (WHO as a key stakeholder). 

Overall, we act as a conduit for information, news, and updates in health services, educational opportunities, and developments in primary care for the GPN population. We welcome the recent report from the Expert Review Body on Nursing and Midwifery that was published in March. The report makes several recommendations pertaining to the role of GPNs and PDCs. We are actively working with the INMO and the HSE towards the early implementation of these recommendations and will be supporting them as and when they happen. The full report can be accessed at www. aeb7-2e5504e62c5d.pdf. 

Following retirements and relocations, there are currently only four out of the original nine PDC posts filled countrywide. Regardless, we are available to provide urgent advice and support throughout Ireland and encourage any GPN that would like more information or assistance to make connect with any of us. All PDCs have a background in general practice nursing, therefore, we are familiar with your unique status as being employed by a GP and the challenges this brings. Any data you share with us is maintained under GDPR legislation and is only used for training and development activity or workforce development purposes. We look forward to hearing from you and to building towards integrated education, integrated care, and an integrated discipline of nurses general practice.

Location Name Email Phone
CHO 4. Cork, Kerry Marie Courtney 086 787 2408
CHO 9. Dublin, North City and County Marie Cantwell 087 607 8925
CHO 1. Sligo, Leitrim, Cavan, Monaghan, Donegal Kathy Taaffe 087 132 1424
CHO 2. Galway, Roscommon, Mayo Mairead Murphy 087 120 6184

We are currently updating our website so keep an eye on


Marie Cantwell, Professional Development Coordinator for General Practice Nurses

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