Unite has clarified it will not be able to represent GPs in respect of employment contracts...
An internal RCPI document on how it can help address doctor recruitment and retention problems in...
Consultants in University of Limerick (UL) Hospitals Group have said Hospital Inpatient Inquiry (HIPE) data is...
New legislation, which will reform the area of research ethics committees, is imminent. Paul Mulholland reports...
There are “no signals of a sustained improvement” in the number of delayed discharges in the...
The Ireland East Hospital Group (IEHG) Operational Plan 2019 has outlined the difficulties it is experiencing...
High staff absenteeism rates in Sligo University Hospital (SUH) and Letterkenny University Hospital (LUH) were due...
The HSE emergency management division is preparing a template to apportion costs incurred by the Executive...
The National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) has proposed withholding funding to Altnagelvin Area Hospital in Derry...
The HSE is reviewing whether a new permanent Chief Information Officer (CIO) will be recruited, just...
Concerns about the reporting arrangements and financial status of voluntary hospitals within Hospital Groups have been...
The Saolta University Health Care Group board has expressed concern that a number of initiatives planned...