<p class=”p1″>Left sided breast cancer patients are at a heightened risk when receiving radiation treatment as there is limited protection for the heart during treatment. In some cases, <span class=”s1″>radiation treatment can be extremely harm</span>ful to these patients. DIBH radiotherapy <span class=”s1″>treatment is delivered to patients while they are holding a deep breath as this moves a patient’s breast away from their heart. The pa</span>tient’s breathing is carefully controlled by <span class=”s1″>specialist equipment, and as a result, radiation doses to the patient’s heart are vastly reduced. This has long-term benefits to the pa</span>tient and reduces the rate of morbidity and mortality. This new therapy was enabled through a multidisciplinary effort in CUH’s <span class=”s1″>radiotherapy oncology department.</span>
<p class=”p1″><span class=”s1″>Mr Tony McNamara, Chief Executive Of</span>ficer of CUH said: “We at Cork University Hospital are very proud to announce the launch of our new DIBH radiation therapy <span class=”s1″>service. I’d like to thank the staff of the radiation therapy department for their efforts in </span>bringing this cutting-edge treatment to the patients of CUH. I’d also like to thank Aid <span class=”s1″>Cancer Treatment for sponsoring the equipment used during treatment.”</span>
<p class=”p1″>CUH patients with left sided breast cancer will now be able to avail of this safer ra<span class=”s1″>diation treatment without having to travel to Waterford or Dublin.</span>
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