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NAGP welcomes FF commitment on FEMPI in Budget talks

By Mindo - 20th Sep 2018

According to the Association, Deputy Stephen Donnelly, Fianna Fáil Spokesperson on Health, confirmed that the party “will prioritise the reversal of FEMPI for GPs” as part of Budget talks.

FEMPI or Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest, were introduced during the economic crash. The reversal of FEMPI cuts for public servants including politicians has commenced, “but general practice has been excluded from this”, underlined the NAGP.

“The financial cuts imposed on general practice were the most severe imposed on any group,” it said in a statement. “GPs sustained a 38 per cent reduction in practice funding for the provision of general practice services. These savage cuts have nearly destroyed general practice in Ireland and have maximum impact on health services provided to our most vulnerable patients, the elderly, those with chronic disease, the disabled and children.”

It added: “The reversal of FEMP is vital for the survival of general practice. Today, 70 per cent of practices are unable to take on new patients. Seven hundred GPs are due to retire in the next four years. The majority of newly qualified GPs are choosing to emigrate as they do not see general practice in Ireland as a viable option. There are currently 150 unfilled posts for GPs across the country, a situation which would have been unheard of ten years ago.”

Dr Maitiú Ó Tuathail, President of the NAGP, stated: “It is reassuring to see that Deputy Donnelly understands the importance of reversing FEMPI for GPs. Interested and informed politicians are beginning to see that general practice is collapsing and that if urgent action is not taken, the specialty will be lost forever. Deputy Donnelly must be commended for his foresight and understanding of this issue.

“It is vital that FEMPI is unconditionally reversed for GPs. It cannot be reversed in exchange for extra services or increased work. GPs do not have the capacity, the resources or the manpower to increase their workload any further.”

He added: “Any further extension of the current doctor visit card scheme, in any guise, will be rejected by GPs. Any attempt to do this will be seen and denounced as a cynical political vote-grabbing ploy. Patients need access to GPs based on medical need, deprivation and income, not on their age or any other politically inspired largesse.”

The NAGP said it “now demands the Minister for Health to set out a clear plan for the unconditional reversal of FEMPI for GPs. The Minister has paid much lip service to this and many other issues related to general practice but his failure to deliver any of his promises or meet any of his timelines has become a national disgrace. GPs need action now and will not accept any more empty Ministerial rhetoric.”



0 responses to “NAGP welcomes FF commitment on FEMPI in Budget talks”

  1. George FitzGerald says:

    Deputy Donnelly may be saying the ‘right thing’ now, while not in power. The proof will be in the future when and if FF are returned at the next election. I, for one, would encourage patients to vote for them if an unconditional reversal was guaranteed to be rolled out, even over a few years. It is needed to salvage what is left of General Practice .. but we have seen no widespread discussion in FG or FF Party circles or on the unsympatheitc media re what the loss to the community of GP led services really means and why FEMPI is such a problem. I am not convinced it is a genuine intention until I see FEMPI cuts being actually reversed. Even Leo has stated – ‘an emergency cannot go on for ever.’. ( unless you area
    a GP or a Taoiseach or both presumably) Populist Demagogue Crocodile Tears come to mind .. I advise all – don’t hold your breath. You may be just about to expire anyway thanks to FEMPI !.

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