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Islamic centre in Dublin supports ‘female circumcision’

By Catherine Reilly - 05th Feb 2018


A senior representative of the Islamic Cultural Centre, Clonskeagh, has informed the Medical Independent (MI) that “female circumcision” should not be banned “but reasonably practised”.

Female circumcision, also termed female genital mutilation (FGM), is illegal under the Criminal Justice (Female Genital Mutilation) Act 2012.

In 2010, Dr Ali Selim (PhD), a senior figure at the Clonskeagh mosque, put on record that the Centre opposed the proposed ban under the Criminal Justice FGM Act. In comments to multicultural newspaper Metro Éireann, he contended that the Centre was against FGM but not “female circumcision”. He referred to types of cutting to the female genitalia that are illegal under the legislation that commenced in 2012 and are categorised within the definition of FGM.

Contacted by MI for the latest position, Dr Selim answered: “I believe you know my stand in this regard. I adhere to it. It cannot be banned but reasonably practised.” He believed a saying of the Prophet Muhammad provides an Islamic context to “female circumcision”.

“Female circumcision is a matter that should be determined by a medical doctor. If the doctor thinks there is a need for it, then do it and if otherwise, then otherwise. If it is done, then it should be done carefully and safely and should be limited to the amount needed,” Dr Selim informed MI. He was unable to identify any specific alleged medical needs and when asked if this was a reference to matters around promiscuity, he said “no”. Later, the secretary to Sheikh Hussein Halawa, Imam at the Clonskeagh mosque, confirmed the position outlined by Dr Selim.

Informed of some of Dr Selim’s comments, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at the Coombe Women and Infants Hospital, Dublin, Prof Chris Fitzpatrick, said: “Female genital mutilation is a crime against young girls and women. There are no health benefits — just misery, suffering and ill-health for millions. It is a criminal offence for a doctor to perform FGM. There is no such thing as ‘reasonable practice’ or ‘limited excision’.” He said there are “many, many Muslims who oppose this barbaric practice”.

Shaykh Umar Al-Qadri, an Imam in Dublin, told MI that FGM/female circumcision “has no basis in Islam”, is harmful and should not be undertaken.

See feature:

0 responses to “Islamic centre in Dublin supports ‘female circumcision’”

  1. Edward von Roy says:

    Frage an Dr. Katarina Barley bezüglich Inneres und Justiz

    28.03.2018 – 17:38


    Sehr geehrte Frau Ministerin Dr. Barley,

    erstmals in der Geschichte der USA begann im April 2017 ein Strafprozess nach 18 USC 116 (female genital mutilation, FGM). In Detroit, Michigan, waren Dr. Nagarwala sowie die Eheleute Attar angezeigt worden, drei Angehörige der schiitischen Dawudi Bohra, denen FGM religiöse Pflicht ist (

    Islam der Sunniten. Im islamischen Recht der Schafiiten gilt die männliche wie weibliche Beschneidung als wâdschib (farD), religiös verpflichtend. Die anderen sunnitischen Rechtsschulen bejahen die weibliche Beschneidung, den Malikiten gilt sie als sunna (unbedingt nachzuahmen), Hanafiten wie vielen Hanbaliten als makrumâ (ehrenwert), die übrigen Hanbaliten bewerten sie als religiöse Pflicht (

    Sind Sie der Auffassung, dass eine religiös begründete FGM Typ Ia oder FGM Typ IV durch Art. 4 Grundgesetz gedeckt und auch nicht durch § 226a StGB verboten ist? (

    Auch die Jungenbeschneidung, die männliche „Genitalverstümmelung ist immer ein massiver Eingriff, der nicht selten den Tod und häufig lebenslange Schmerzen und psychologische Traumata nach sich zieht“, um Ihre, für das männliche Geschlecht ebenfalls zutreffende, Aussage zur FGM zu zitieren. Die Grund- und Freiheitsrechte des Individuums betreffend, hat das Grundgesetz zwischen Frau und Mann, zwischen Mädchen und Junge nicht zu differenzieren (

    Bekennen Sie sich zum Beibehalten der WHO-Kategorisierung weiblicher Genitalverstümmelung, welche FGM definiert als Typ I, II, III, IV? Kämpfen Sie mit uns gegen die Straffreistellung der Chatna (chitan al-inath, sunat perempuan), auch der milden Sunna? Jede Form von FGM (I, II, III, IV) gehört verboten – überall auf der Welt.


  2. Edward von Roy says:

    There is no such thing as “light FGC”, or “light FGM” etc. Any kind of FGM, for example the “mild Sunna” or any other forms of Sunna “circumcision” (FGM) on girls (sunat perempuan; khitan al-inath; khatna), must stop. ● Islamic institutions such as The National Council of Islamic Religious Affairs (JAKIM) in Malaysia, or The Indonesian Fatwa Council (MUI – Majelis Ulama Indonesia) do not call the “mild” forms of girls’ circumcision a mutilation (FGM). We see that differently. Even the least invasive form of girls’ circumcision has to be overcome, worldwide. ● Flogging or stoning an adulterer is illegal, marrying a nine year old bride is illegal. Khatna resp. Khitan al-inath (Islamic FGM) is illegal. ● Khatna / Khitan al-inath (FGM) is religion (Sharia and Fiqh; Islam), for the Shafii madhhab of Sunni Islam and also for the Shia Bohra (see criminal case against Dr Jumana Nagarwala, Michigan, US) FGM is wajib (obligatory, a religious duty). ● You can believe in FGM – you can not perform FGM. ● My real concern is that Europe, and the USA will soon legalise some “mild” forms of the Classification of FGM. ● Every form of FGM should be banned everywhere. ● Edward von Roy, social worker

  3. Edward von Roy says:

    FGM Arab: khitan al-inath (ختان الإناث) “female circumcision”, or: khitan al-banat (ختان البنات) “circumcision of the daughters”, other terms: ḫafḍ (خفض‎) or ḫifaḍ (خِفَض‎), (literally “lowering” or “deepening”), Dawoodi Bohra (Shia muslim sect) khatna, Indonesian: sunat perempuan (khitan wanita) ___ FGM and Islam Shia view Shiite religious texts, such as the hadith transmitted by Al-Sadiq, state that „circumcision is makruma for women“ (noble but not required). FGM is performed within the Dawoodi Bohra community in India, Pakistan, Yemen and East Africa. In 2017 two doctors (Dr. Jumana Nagarwala and Dr. Fakhruddin Attar) and a third woman connected to the Dawoodi Bohra in Detroit, Michigan, were arrested on charges of conducting FGM on two seven-year-old girls in United States. Sunni view Different schools of Islamic jurisprudence have expressed different views on FGM. The Maliki school of Islamic jurisprudence views it as makruma (noble but not required). The Hanbali school sees it as sunna (good practice), some Clerics see it as obligatory (wajib). For the Hanafi school it is preferred, and for the Shafi’i school FGM is obligatory (wajib). Hadith. The Prophet said to Umm Atiyya, or: to Umm Habiba: أشمِّي ولا تنهَكي ašimmī wa-lā tanhakī [Cut] slightly and do not overdo it Or Muhammad said: اختفضن ولا تنهكن iḫtafiḍna wa-lā tanhikna Cut [slightly] without exaggeration

  4. Edward von Roy says:

    FGM and Islam, s o u r c e s •

    • Female circumcision: A common practice in Malaysia and Singapore | By Vi-Jean Khoo | MIMS, 18 Oct 2016 •–a-common-practice-in-malaysia-and-singapore

    • Female genital mutilation practised in Iran, study reveals | By Saeed Kamali Dehghan | The Guardian, 4 Jun 2015 •

    • The razor and the damage done: female genital mutilation in Kurdish Iraq | By Martin Chulov in Sulaymaniyah | The Guardian, 5 Jul 2010 •

    • Malaysia •

    In 2009, the National Council of Islamic Religious Affairs (JAKIM) in Malaysia introduced a surprising and controversial Fatwa declaring female circumcision to be obligatory (wajib) for all Muslim women. •

    • Indonesia •

    MUI released a fatwa or legal edict (No. 9A/2008) that suggests that FGM is obligatory in Islam and therefore should not be prohibited. •

    • A Cutting Tradition. By Sara Corbett. The New York Times. Published: 20.01.2008 • • • •

    Shia view •

    Shiite religious texts, such as the hadith transmitted by Al-Sadiq, state that “circumcision is makrumah for women” (noble but not required). FGM is performed within the Dawoodi Bohra community in India, Pakistan, Yemen and East Africa. •

    • The Bohras consider khatna a religious obligation. •

    • • • There is no “mild” form of FGM. FGM is FGM is FGM. • • •

    WHO | Classification of female genital mutilation •

    • • • Any form of FGM should be banned everywhere. • Edward von Roy, social worker

  5. NoReal Scott says:

    And there is no true Scotsman

  6. Bob Prendergast says:

    What absolute bullshit.

    It’s not “cultural”. It’s mutilation.

    Yeah, it IS islam, though. You have a history of abusing and segregating your women. This is what is taught in your propaganda, and denying it here, is Taqiya. You think we don’t see it. But, we know.

    Some of us aren’t accepting of wanting to move back into the Middle Ages. You want to fuck up your country, go ahead. Stay out of ours. Probably won’t end well.

  7. Bob Prendergast says:

    What absolute bullshit.

    It’s not “cultural”. It’s mutilation.

    Yeah, it IS islam, though. You have a history of abusing and segregating your women. This is what is taught in your propaganda, and denying it here, is Taqiya. You think we don’t see it. But, we know.

    Some of us aren’t accepting of wanting to move back into the Middle Ages. You want to fuck up your country, go ahead. Stay out of ours. Probably won’t end well.

  8. Mongous says:

    Spot the Taqiya

  9. Iftikhar Ahmed says:

    Please do not confuse cultural practices with Islam. There is no place for female circumcission my very simple and harmless religion. I am a practicing muslim and I call this as FGM. Any one who is promoting it or practicing it should have an examplary punishment. Female circumcisson is practiced in some part of the world not just by muslims but by others as well as a culture which I think as a muslim and as a Surgeon is criminal. Please these so called leaders and scholars of Islam leave this fantastic religion alone and stop representing simple muslims alone.Peace to all human beings on this planet.

  10. Iftikhar Ahmed says:

    Please do not confuse cultural practices with Islam. There is no place for female circumcission my very simple and harmless religion. I am a practicing muslim and I call this as FGM. Any one who is promoting it or practicing it should have an examplary punishment. Female circumcisson is practiced in some part of the world not just by muslims but by others as well as a culture which I think as a muslim and as a Surgeon is criminal. Please these so called leaders and scholars of Islam leave this fantastic religion alone and stop representing simple muslims alone.Peace to all human beings on this planet.

  11. Jim Monaghan says:

    This amounts to Grevious Bodily Harm. Those who facilitate it shoudl be prosecuted. Note, most victims are under age.and the victims should be supported when and if they choose to sue for damages.

  12. Hussein Buhidma says:

    Female circumcision has nothing to do with Islam, and when you look at the geographical area where this is practiced you can see clearly it is around the river Nile.
    You don’t find this practice in North African countries (Libya,Tunisia,Algeria, Morocco, and Mauritania) with more than 90% Muslim population.
    South east Asia where Mecca the holy city is situated female circumcision is not practiced.
    This is just a cultural heritage that is practiced by Non-Muslims more than Muslims in the valley of the river Nile.
    Please keep our religion as at came from Allah simple, as a Muslim I had enough of this. Cultural practices should not be conflated with religious edicts.

  13. paschal malone says:

    shame on those muslim leaders who favour FGM. For every FGM there should be an MGM starting with those who approve of much for the medical oath which includes -to do no harm .I thank those who have the courage to say FGM has no basis in Islam.

  14. Hussein Buhidma says:

    Female circumcision has nothing to do with Islam, and when you look at the geographical area where this is practiced you can see clearly it is around the river Nile.
    You don’t find this practice in North African countries (Libya,Tunisia,Algeria, Morocco, and Mauritania) with more than 90% Muslim population.
    South east Asia where Mecca the holy city is situated female circumcision is not practiced.
    This is just a cultural heritage that is practiced by Non-Muslims more than Muslims in the valley of the river Nile.
    Please keep our religion as at came from Allah simple, as a Muslim I had enough of this. Cultural practices should not be conflated with religious edicts.

  15. Mohammed Hamza says:

    FGM/female circumcision has no basis in Islam, is harmful and should not be undertaken.

    That is all.

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