The first stage in the delivery of the new single national integrated finance and procurement system was the selection of a single ERP software solution.
This stage was completed by the HSE in 2017 after a public procurement process resulted in the SAP S/4HANA ERP Software solution being selected. “The procurement process for SAP implementation support has started and the HSE will start the implementation phase as soon as this procurement process is complete,” a spokesperson for the HSE told <strong><em>MI</em></strong>.
The estimated total costs will be approximately €120 million over the lifetime of the project.
However, it is estimated the system will help save approximately €13 million per annum once the system is fully deployed.
“The system will replace over 200 existing finance and procurement systems in place around Ireland, which currently operate independently of each other,” according to the spokesperson.
“In doing this, the HSE expects to see productivity and efficiency gains in transaction processing (income and purchase to pay). HSE also expects productivity gains (reduced support costs) from the move to managed services and general efficiency gains in finance, procurement and ICT support.”
Purchasing a single financial system has been on the agenda of the HSE for the past decade, yet was put on hold on a number of occasions during the economic downturn.
The <em>Future Health Report</em> (2012-2015) had identified the financial and service information systems of the health system as not fit-for-purpose. In order to address this, it was agreed the HSE would move away from multiple fragmented financial and service information systems towards a centralised platform.
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